Tear Soaked Ground

by Juls   Mar 11, 2006

As she arrives she holds her breath
Not knowing what to see
She bends around the corner
Her breath taken away, feeling free

The sight starts at the end of her feet
Stretches out of human sight
She becomes so pleased
Hugging her arms tight

In the placement of stars and stripes

Flags accompany the headstones
Of those who fought in fright
She looks amazed
At a patriotic sight

She looks and spots
One lonely little girl
Holding a flag and flower
For her now deceased father

She turns around to see other sight
Army men folding up a flag
Handing the flag on
Now to a widow for life

She pulls her hand down
Down to her chest to feel
Feel the beating of her heart
Knowing she is still alive..here

Still holding herself tight
A tear rolls down her cheek
It lands on the area at her feet
That her grandfather lies till forever more

"God Bless all these people
That have fought for me
Fought for our country
Fought for everyones peace"

These are the words she says
As she bends to the ground
To place a flower
On the tear soaked ground


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  • AWWWW. .... this made me cry........that was really really good.........i wish i could write that good oneday....you must have been really inspired when you wrote this........i love it.....keep it up (you know so you can entertain me~!~:) )

    Your fan,


  • 18 years ago

    by Mona

    Wow. I love the story it tells. I could just feel it and see it all happen right in front of me. Amazing. Very sad though =*(. Well done, loved it a lot! Lotsaa love -xxx-

  • 18 years ago

    by LuvMeAlwayz

    Sweet poem ^^ cant wait to read more

  • 19 years ago

    by Sole

    Impressive Poetry - I love the imagery used :) Look forward to reading your other poems.


  • 19 years ago

    by †Undone♥

    This was so good!