Life's Highway

by chipman007   Mar 12, 2006

I cant believe im this far
It\'s almost like my life in a car
Caged up not really paying attention
Until I either get pulled over or stop thinkin
About what I doing and why Im here
But the future is so far, but yet so near
As love whispers to me here or there
It usally goes far through my hair
As Im zooming down the highway of life

Its faster then i had imagined
Thses 100 years so to go by
Faster then a blink of an eye
So get as much as you can
Before it decieds to bring a sham
To Your life's plans

My life is like a layout
For the future mount
On this road
Dont do toad
Just let it take you in
This life has no experation date
So try to find a mate now and save it
For all you know life could stop and
You could get pop in your face
As your whole mindface gets displaced
You get out into space, and loose all trace
Of your mind and gets lost
In time so you gotta foster a loner
Try to get and phone her
Before its too late

Its faster then i had imagined
Thses 100 years so to go by
Faster then a blink of an eye
So get as much as you can
Before it decieds to bring a sham
To Your life's plans

This may not be as good
But I havent have had any food so
I dont have the mind power to
Think and deceid what word
To use next you know what?
Im gonna stop while Im at it
HA! Cause this aint going nowhere

Its faster then i had imagined
Thses 100 years so to go by
Faster then a blink of an eye
So get as much as you can
Before it decieds to bring a sham
To Your life's plans

hehe I know that was lame...


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