Cheers to you world

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Mar 13, 2006

Sometimes i wonder
If I'll ever be OK
I always fall under
Every single day...

I can smile
And i can laugh
But after a while
Is the after math

And i can't deal
With this family of hate
I wish this wasn't real
Or that it would just eliminate

But nothing goes right...
at least not for me...
could someone turn on the light
so i can at least see...

I don't know where I'm going
I only know where I've been
I'm living while knowing
That my whole past feels like a sin

Sometimes i don't want to wake
And sometimes i just want to cry
There are choices that i make
That i wish would've just passed by

So cheers to you world,
let the pain just keep flowing...
Its on the house from this girl,
Here's to not knowing where I'm going...


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  • 18 years ago

    by .::BrokenHrt::.

    I especially love the 5th stanza...this poem is mint gr8 writing 5/5