Every little thing you want somebody new
But there is something else you can do
Deal with lost love in a non-destructive manner
The significance of unconditional love,
Is a great deal of patience and forgiveness
All you need is time to think
An empty void replaces what you feel
You will grow sad and may never heal
Misunderstanding often occurs from time to time
Don't try to get even and loose you mined
Or you can often threaten a loving relationship again
Don't pretend you don't fee the pain
Don't make decision in anger
You will just create more danger
It just cause regrets
You cannot forget
But there are ways to understand
Tolerate individual differences and not command
Try forgetting, solving the problem and be loving again
For there is a love, you work towards still remain
Yes this is forgiveness which don't come easily
It is not something you can earn
But you sure can learn
When you are wounded badly the longer it takes
It takes time to forgive someone a mistake
But when it does come with an open mind
The heart forgets and forgivenss is sure to find