Good Bye

by Kimmy   Mar 14, 2006

I'm leaving you now,
But I'll say my goodbyes
To all of my family
And to the rest of my life.

I'm never coming back
But you might see me again
In some other relm
Or a whole new demension.

I see the light, I see the door
I don't know if I want to cross it
I just need a few steps more...

I don't know what's on the other side
But I guess I'll find out
All it takes is this knife

I'm not doing it for attention
I'm not doing it because I'm ignored
I'm doing it because I feel an unbearable pain
And my heart just can't take it anymore.

Good Bye To All


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  • 18 years ago

    by Nat

    Strong feelings, but i hope ur keeping ur head up! things do get better :)