I kno it doesnt ryme but this is what i think

by stephanie   Mar 14, 2006

When you went to say goodbye for the first time i thought u forgot me , until u turned around an went in my direction with a realy big smile grabbed me off the bar an gave me a hug an said bye.
when you came back you went to leave for good.. an this time i was the first one u hugged an that felt special only in a way that i can understand or someone has had this feelings bfore... you know where you get this big butterflies when he tells you keep in touch an ya\'ll will definatly go out within a week or two...yea thats what love is it is a feeling that only u can recognize ..


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  • 18 years ago

    by SEAN

    I think this was pretty good i mean you dont need a structure or to rythme to make a good poem you just write how you feel and i think thats exaclty what you did