Today I remembered

by Devon   Mar 14, 2006

Today I remembered him.
I told myself I wouldn't,but I did.
I saw his smiling face, herd his happy laughter.
I saw his light blue eyes as he looked into mine told me he loved me and always will...he lied he forgot about
about us.
I cryed i still cry. I wish he was here.
I was only truly happy when I was in his arms. I felt safe like nothing could go wrong. I knew thats where i belonged.
Now I have no strong arms to hold me tight, tell me everything will be alright.
All I have left is memories because
today...I remembered.


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  • 18 years ago

    by MidNightBeauty

    Great poem...well done keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by Devon

    Thank you for your submiting your comments I really enjoy them I am glad I have your support.

  • 18 years ago

    by Alice

    Wow nice poem tho. i sometimes wish my first ex was here. cuz i still miss him altho i dont talk much about him anymore. but on the inside, i still truly do.. keep it up..

  • 19 years ago

    by lucyjade

    I am sorry to hear about your story i have been in a similar situation and i know it hurts, it hurts so bad you feel you couldn't possibly live no more. my advice to you id move on dont let anything drag you behind good luck!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by holly

    This is really sad but a good poem i espically like this but

    I felt safe like nothing could go wrong. I knew thats where i belonged.

    well done xxALLYxx