It has been four years since he was killed.
I still shed so many tears.
I pay no attention to the leers, jeers, or sneers of my peers.
They do not know my fears, the stuff I see and hear.
You where cheated. You had a life and he took that from you.
It was so unfair. You would always care.
A man like you is so rare.
I wish I could have been there.
Now my dreams turn to nightmares.
This pain is too much to bear.
You where killed walking away from that fight.
That is so not right!
You died on that weeknight.
That sick man took delight in your pain.
Your memory lives on.
He brought pain and misery.
But I live every day keeping my promise.
The one I made that day you were buried.
I dedicated my life to the safety of other people.
It has been four years.
this is about Mr. Rawlings today march 14, 2006 is the ananniversary of his killing. rest in peace Mr. Rawlings.