by Dee   Jan 23, 2004

I remember the sleepovers,
and late night calls.
And the times we would laugh,
for no reason at all.

It was so much fun,
being like twins.
We said we'd always be there,
through thick and through thin.

Now its all over,
the memorys have been erased.
Our freindship has vanished,
gone without a trace.

Even though its over,
you'll never leave my heart.
No matter how far away,
we'll never really be apart.

How could we have
just thrown it away?
I can't even remember
what happened that day.

Our fight must have been big,
to get rid of it all.
I will always miss you,
our freindship used to stand tall.

I hope you feel the same way,
I miss you alot.
I wish we never disagreed,
I wish we never fought.

heyy thnx for reading! vote nd comment:)


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  • 19 years ago

    by aimee

    So do I, Its a shame that most people don't vote cuz they can't be botherd I hope u have more luck gettin some more votes

  • 21 years ago

    by helena

    wow i know wat ya feel like!