Faulty Life

by Hilary   Mar 14, 2006

It's not your fault
That years ago
Her young essence was broken
It's not your fault
The hate and rage
The truths that went unspoken

All you can do
Is hold her close
And give her some time
To move on from
Those hurtful days
To get over his crime

It's not your fault
The nights she spent...
Her body black and blue
It's not your fault
That tears she cried
Praying she'd make it through

All you can do
Is remind her
You'll never cause her pain
You'll be there
To protect her
He won't hurt her again

It's not your fault
When she awakes
Fear pouring from her eyes
It's not your fault
That she remembers
Thinking she would die

All you can do
Is reassure her
That her abuser is long gone
Just tell her
That you love her
And you'll never do her wrong

It's not your fault
That her past
Has made it hard for her
To believe in love
It's not your fault
That she can't trust in
This "forever" you speak of...

Baby, it's not your fault.


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