I should die

by Matt   Mar 15, 2006

No matter how hard I try
No matter what I do
I think I should just die
To get away from you

I sit on my bed
I punch the wall
I crash my head
And down I fall

When I awake I dread the day
My head is in a daze
You are going to pay
In my ancestral haze

I walk, I grab a knife
I will deal a mighty blow
I know I will take a life
If not yours someone’s will go

I stop, stand there
I look at myself I can’t believe
I see your face and I stare
I just want to make you bleed

My memories begin to fade
I just want to leave you all
I pick up the blade
One slice and I fall

No more you will see me
No more I will be
The blood flows free
What have I turned out to be?


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  • 18 years ago

    by *Friends Are Stars*

    Hey amazing poem, the format is so effective, you have a real way with words. love u xxxxx

  • This is a well good poem but i don't like reading them when their written by someone like you! love you so much fuzzy xxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by xXx Expecting xXx

    This is a really really good poem.....i love this.....xoxo

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