My Perfect Man

by DancingForGod   Mar 15, 2006

I have finally found my perfect man!
My heart raced, he was gorgeous
He was perfect
At first he was aloof, distant, calculating
Waiting until he was sure
But when he finally admitted his feelings
He was the kindest, warmest person ever
He was so full of love it made me cry
To think there was someone out there like him
Its unfathomable
But there is a downside to me finally finding him
he's fictional!
Why is it that the best guys aren't real?

*This poem is dedicated to all those who have found their perfect guys that don't really exist. And a special shout-out to my fictional best guy ever, Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. This poem is also for all of my friends who put up with me and my sillyness.*

*Don't worry ladies, our perfect REAL men are still out there somewhere if you haven't found them yet. Have faith* ;-)


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  • 18 years ago

    by Nee

    Lol, that was a very nice poem
    nobody's perfect so there r no perfect men :P
    but I liked it and how u didnt care for ANY rhyme actually..hehe
    keep it up dear..thanx for ur sweet comment =)
    NemO XxXxXxXxX

  • 18 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    Lol hahaha
    nice dedication
    Excellent Job
    Truly Amazing
    and your feeling and emotion
    was definetly througout
    lol now i know your "perfect" man
    lol great job

  • 18 years ago

    by DancingForGod

    Guys, I know this poem isn't great, but I just kind of felt like writing it, so yeah. Comment ya later!