In My Perfect World

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Mar 15, 2006

I sit here in silence
In my own little place
I erase all of the violence
That i experienced in this place...

Don't give me a pity smile,
I'm more OK than you'll ever be!
And I've been fine all this while
But it's just something you can't see!

I don't like to handle pain
I just keep it all inside...
Maybe I'll take a walk in the rain
Or maybe I'll just sit and hide...

Sometimes i cut myself out
Of the hole that i fell into
But you have nothing to worry about
Because it doesn't involve you

In my perfect world
Nobody else feels the pain
Only me, this teenage girl
Is this so hard to maintain?

Yes i smoke cigarettes
And i drink when I'm asked too
I extremely hate hypocrites
And i believe in what i think is true

I cut myself when the pain is rough
And i would die for any friend
I try my damnedest to be tough
And I'll never break at the bend

I'm a normal kid
At least in my world
Everything i ever did
Was just made by a normal girl

You can speak your lingo
And turn the other way
And the faster we go
The faster the pain will go away

Life is too short to be right
But it's too long to be wrong
My perfect world gets me through the night
You might not think it is, but it GETS ME ALONG!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Cait

    Good work, i really liked it