Recurring Dream (homocide story)

by Poetvoices   Mar 16, 2006

**Sorry guys! Just something I had to get off my chest!**

I stand here in the middle of the circle.
Everyone around looks on.
You expect me to insult you back,
but my thoughts go far beyond.

There are plenty of things I'd like to say,
but now is not the time.
I'll never get the chance to tell you
if things go according to reason and rhyme.

You just don't know how stupid you look.
I see you as just a simple fool.
Whether you see it or not,
NO ONE thinks you're cool.

I grab the dagger from my bag
and hold it in my clutch.
This time, as I dream it, you don't flinch.
Nothing shock you. Not even the cold weapon's touch.

I hold the blade to your fat face
and watch you cringe as I get serious.
The surprised crowd backs away in horror.
The stupid teachers are delirious.

"You won't do it!" I can hear you thinking.
That's JUST the invitation I need!
I thrust the blade into your neck.
You fall over and bleed.

I hold down your face with my foot
as everyone gasps and you choke.
The smile of satisfaction overwhelms my face
as I think of the laws I just broke.

Your funeral is in two days
and somehow I'll find a way
to throw into my speech
the things I never had time to say.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sarah

    Your forgiven lol its a good poem despite the outcome..i liked the beginning alot...because so many people are stupid >.