On The Inside(Depression)

by FoundHim   Mar 16, 2006

On the Inside
Theres only depression
It wasnt my fault
He became my obsession

Theres nothing left
He gave the bliss
Now hes gone
And thats the one thing I miss

Im torn up
Everything inside is dead
Soon Ill be lying
On my dying bed

Darkness consumes me
And turns my world black
Only if I could
Rewind and go back

Back to a time
When we were happy
And I wouldnt act
All lovey dovey and sappy

Theres nothing left
In this world for me
Im walloping in depression
But you just cant see

Youre too busy
Being wit her
To look at me
And think of how we were

On the Inside
Where you cant see
This way forever
I will be


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  • 12 years ago

    by Nick C

    Oooooh i think its truely amazing when someone as young as you can actually express themselves in such an open and truely relating mannor. Lifes 1 big lesson Sandra so if you always take the time to stand bk and be absorbent with things you witness you'll be seriously able to spit out some truely remarkable poems. Keep up the good work chick :) Fantastic:) I honestly do luv how sum of these poems ive been readin. So many words in the world yet when their placed together in certain combinations, they work x

  • 17 years ago

    by X Kashies Misery X

    That was so true to every degree it kept me interested right through,

    very nicely written,

  • 18 years ago

    by David R Merry

    This is a really well written peice, well done! Although i do hope that there is no truth about your intensions within it?

    All the best from England

  • 18 years ago

    by Randi

    I love this poem.. very sad, but good!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Megan

    Awww i really like this! its something everyone can relate 2!! lol ya its awesome keep it up!