The meaning of "friend"

by celi   Mar 16, 2006

My friends aren't exactly who they seem
They are here to ruin my big dream
They are those who cause my problems
And then offer themselves to solve them.
They go out without me
And they don't say a single word
And then they want to help me
As if they could change my world.

They pretend they know me
They pretend they care about me
They pretend they understand me
They pretend they love and adore me
But if these feelings were true
I bet they'd never do
What they're doing right know
Cause they avoid all responsibilities,
They're forgetting their vow
And they do all their stupidities.

They say they know something's wrong
But i bet they knew it all along
Friendship is better than love, people say
But i bet they were alone all the way
Cause if they had friends they'd understand
What's the real meaning of the word friend,
Cause "friend" is a synonym of actor and pain:
He pretends he likes you just for his personal gain...


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  • 18 years ago


    Great poem sweetie! I love it! Keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by *Amber Faith.* ©

    This poem is so true. Great poem. Keep up the good work!

  • 18 years ago

    by Tisha

    That poem has alot of meaning behind it....I know where you are coming from....Sorry that your friends did you that way..but remember there is a few good people still left out there.Good Poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by Danai

    Heyyy!!! i don't really know wat 2 say, judging i'm included in the people u're talking about.... is "i'll try my best" good enough?! mmmm... i think I prefer "i looooove u.... and i meaaannn it!!!" filakiaa
    (loved the poem by the way....)