Why me

by Natasha   Mar 17, 2006

Depression, alone, hurt,afraid thats what i am.I can't live without receiving pain, i can't live without being unharmed or touched. Kill me now that what i beg and wish.
In every tear i wish would stop.
In every breath i wish would end.
In every inch of me i wish would burn.
I'm no one, I'm nothing but why am i the victim?
I'm left,I'm not wanted, can't anyone see a girl pleading for help?
No one can see the scars and blood and the forgettable face.
Suffering in silence each day no one wants the truth.
Shivering, shaking, living in horror haven't you people ever heard what I'm going through?
Can anyone help or give?
The darkness is where i belong , all alone getting haunted by the pain replaying over and over in my mind.
Getting traumatized, getting mad, falling apart.
Thats what they all want.
But why me?

comment or rate please if you don't mind


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