Whats wrong with me

by Natasha   Mar 17, 2006

I wonder whats wrong with me?
why am i treated like a alien, something horrible and unwanted.
I don't understand what i do, i just stand there on the moving world.
And deep inside i know its coming, i can hear them coming closer, ready to approach and kill.
Everywhere i go my emotions are visible or tormented.
Why am i so unheard? I'm screaming but no one can hear, I'm crying but no one cares.
Why do people rip your insides out and make you suffer and pain?
I am human just like everyone i feel just like everyone else.
I don't know what i do to be hated by everyone, unaccepted and feel lost.
Why can i not be beautiful maybe I'd be liked, but like me for me.
They scream, shout,curse and hit at me, what can i do to escape all this?
All i can do is stand and feel but I'm so weak.
I'm breaking inch of inch and I'm dieing.
No my truth i wish everyone would stop just once,let me run and be free.
Why can't i fight when they point and laugh at me and say villain and fool?
Why do i get broken by everyone i meet?
Whats wrong with me?

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