Love, Hate, War, and everything inbetween

by Just Me   Mar 18, 2006

I sit hear crying
pulling out my hair
my nose is running
but my only thought
is you
how you cut into my skin and rip me apart
how you cut into my heart
and shatter my soul
I don't need a razor blade anymore
because you cut my wrists for me
and even though
you can't see it
your making me bleed
and even though your eyes
can not see my pain
I want you to know
I hate you for what you've done
but my love will bring me back to you
because even though i can't live with you
i cant live without you


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  • 18 years ago

    by Georgia

    Yea we r ok again she nos im going on the 20th but meh she doesnt want me 2 she says she loves me and im her best friend and shes my bff but i feel im a bother 2 ever1 meh not a big deal i dont no im scared but its 4 the best 4 ever1

  • 18 years ago

    by Andrea broken tears

    This is for my boyfriend lol

  • 18 years ago

    by Andrea broken tears

    Thats sad hun who is this about?
    i hope your ok

    love andrea