Staring down

by Finalgravedigger   Mar 18, 2006

I can see u staring down at me than again i see everyone stare down at someone. We all try to make ourselves look good in front of other people and stop being ourselves. Why should u care what other people think about u. What matters most is what I think about yourself. I wont let other peoples judgement change me. Im a geek, a jock, a nerd so what I dont care.Because being myself makes me happy.


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  • 18 years ago

    by somehow broken

    I like this poem. well done keep up the good work.
    p.s. i also like how u havent stuck to a certain structure or anything... =)

  • 18 years ago

    by kala

    Yea thats very true somepeople just lets other people rip them apart but me oh no im myself around everyone bye now and thanx for the comment on mine too

  • Great job..thnks for your comment it means a lot. if you can check out some of my other poems, its kinda hard to start from 0 when you used to have it all...


  • Thats so tru and ur right i guess some people dont c that but im glad someone does

  • 18 years ago

    by Leah

    Hey this is a good poem. just returning the favour, love from leah xox