Cause of Death: Rape (Part II)

by Monique   Mar 19, 2006

Blood is regurgitated onto the walls surrounding me.
Onto the floor I fall,
Laying in a pool of my own blood.
I couldn't win lifes brawl.

My sister walks in,
Seeing the blood plastered walls,
Her idol on the floor painted in red,
She stands frozen.. and just bawls.

Standing over my cold corpse is,
My sisters, brother, mom and dad..
Tears rolling down each and every cheek..
This situation is just so sad.

The note I left behind is spotted.
My dad retrieves it with shaky hands.
Staring down at the envelope,
"Open it", my mother silently demands.

"Why didn't I foresee my own daughters death?"
"Why did she have to suceed?"
With these questions said,
He attempts to read.

**Part III will be the suicide note... it may take me a while to post it though.. sorry. comment and rate it please, it would mean alot, and I will return the favour**


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  • 15 years ago

    by dontlookpassmytears

    Great poem i lyke dis kant wait til part 3 cumz. keep dem cumin'.

  • 19 years ago

    by Brittnee

    Monique, we talk, and your such a great person. I hope that You dont attempt sucide, I've learned that its not the way out. Your so cool, and you understand me. Your the best. Plz see that i'm not the only one who knows that. I dont know what to say, other than I love you and your writing. Talk to u later. keep it up. YOUR FABULOUS!

  • 19 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    This one is deep too for sure

    all the best and take care

  • 19 years ago

    by rhiannon

    Ayo yourr writtings are so deep love them mami keep it up oh and thanks for the comment

  • 19 years ago

    by Poetvoices

    This part is similar to one of my poems, "Already Gone." I LOVE this series. KEEP GOING! 5/5

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