Forbidden love

by dancer   Mar 19, 2006

You asked me out
but i had to say no
i said i was sorry
i said i had to go

i couldnt face you for weeks
because i felt so bad
i rejected you
and you became really sad

but the truth is
that i wanted to say yes
but our love is forbidden love
and i know it would end in a mess

rinda is my big sister
and you guys are SPECIAL friends
i couldnt do that to her
because i dont think we could make amense

but the way she acts
annoys the hell out of me
it should be my choice
whether we are to be

she makes me so mad
for what shes done
shes put herself in the middle of us
how does she know that your not the one

she stands in our way
like the great china wall
she will never aprove
no not at all

she is so selfish
she doesnt know what shes doing
shes disturbing the peace
shes disturbing the love thats bruing

she'll do what ever it takes
to keep us apart
our relastionship was finished
before it had time to start

Writen By Allana Wallace

um well i dnt really like this poem i dont think its that great.... but ill work on it and make it better hopefully.... feel free to comment i would love to hear ur feed back xoxo


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  • 18 years ago

    by Malenda

    Nice poem excellent flow keep writing