The secret

by ~~Y0u w0nT c0mE T0 Kn0W~~   Mar 19, 2006

She's harbored a deep, dark secret,
for almost fifty years;
and as she relives and remembers,
her eyes begin to tear.

The secret that she's been hiding,
to this day is hidden away;
this eighty year old woman,
who begins to earnestly pray.

She asks God to forgive her, though
His presence was always there;
yet she felt the need to tell someone,
what she could no longer bare.

For many years ago, in a different
life it seemed;
she killed her daughter, who was only
four, and the body was never retrieved.

She re-plays in her head, everyday
since the nightmare began;
the reasons why she killed her daughter,
the toddler who's name was Sam.

Most people would never have believed
her, nor would they have accepted her
for they weren't there each and every
night, when her Husband would inflict his

Sam's Mother watched in horror, as her
daughter was severely beaten;
then he turned on his wife as the
child huddled, alone in the corner

The Mother tried several times, to
flee from this sick man;
but he'd always say, "If you ever leave,
I'll find you, understand"?

She lived in fear and poverty, for money
she never had;
she reported him to the authorities,
but they lent no helping hand.

She made a decision one day, to save
her daughter's life;
she could no longer bare to watch the
beatings, that cut her like a knife.

Thus early one summer evening, she
put her daughter to bed;
she kissed her good night lovingly,
for by morning Sam would be dead.

She put Arsenic in Sam's dinner, along
with her many tears;
and she whispered to herself softly,
"Soon you'll have nothing to fear".

When morning finally arrived, she
found her daughter dead;
she cried tears of sorrow and pain,
as she layed beside Sam on the bed.

Then she wrapped the body in a blanket,
and put it in her truck;
she drove far away to a river, and
cried as the body sunk.

She was asked quite often where Sam was,
"She's visiting my Aunt";
and soon everyone forgot about, the
child who had no chance.

Knowing that God had forgiven her, this
woman found great relief;
for she confessed to Him what she had
done, and at last she found great peace.


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  • 18 years ago

    by sandy

    Omg it's incredible! very sad i had a couple tears:P keep it up

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