Suicide is just another way,
To tell the world what you need to say.
You're just another human being,
No-one remembers seeing.
Until a tragedy has occurred,
It is quite absurd,
When you know they just want attention,
From all the tension.
The popular all prim and proper,
They think they own the world,
With their hair fake and curled,
Their lives all personal and hidden away,
They reveal nothing with what they say,
So instead they poke and prod at others lives,
To keep their own locked up,
They don't care if they push another over the edge,
Cause them to end all their pain,
Found in a deserted lane,
Drenched by all the rain,
With no personal gain.
Who says suicides a sin,
Maybe it's there to release,
Those who can not win,
And need a way out,
Suicide is selfish,
Think of the ones you leave behind,
Unable to rewind,
The pain they gain,
When they lose one close to them,
And again begins the cycle of pain.
Leading up to suicide again,
Pushing another over the edge!