It does not feel real anymore
Its like its a dream gone wrong
6 times we've now tried
I feel as though I don't exist
Like I'm invisible to you
Its like you are running away to hide
Yet again its only the first day
But why do I feel you slipping away?
To you it felt wrong
Like you had made a mistake
I was invisible you ignored me
It is again only the first day
Yet you are running away to hide
Why are you trying to hide?
You are told how I feel
You acknowledge I am upset
I tell you I love you and I am sorry
So you run away to hide
Taking the cowards way out
Why do you have to make me hurt inside?
Why are you running away to hide?
It all felt wrong to you
So now it is all over again
It was like a dream gone wrong once more
Except it was reality not a dream
After the many times we've tried
It was again only one day
That lasted long....WOW!
Now I cry and hurt inside
All because you ran away to hide.....