Distant fate//brokenANDalone\\

by Kelsey   Mar 21, 2006

My eyes burn from crying
I'm practically dead
I step in the shower
And the water runs red
cuts sting (they're meant to)
the only problem, is i got them from you
you may not know where they are
but they still bleed, and scar
because I know that you're in between arms somewhere
breathing in your fresh air
while i peal back my skin
You'll never see the pain im in
so much collateral damage
that keeps me behind these bars i create
its my own personal cage
Im holding onto nothing but whats to become of my fate


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  • 18 years ago

    by blondeATheart007

    Ahh..this poems so good
    keep on writing!

  • 18 years ago

    by cassie

    I loved this poem, if you ever need to talk i am here for you, your poem has so much emotion in it, please comment on some of mine, it would be greatly appreciated
    love cass xoxo