LoSt LoVe

by Katheryne   Mar 21, 2006

I no its long but just recently my boyfriend of a year an a half cheated on me an lied to me about it .. i had to find out from the girl .. an its so hard to get over .. please help

Up late nights crying over you
Wondering why i believed that you loved me..
My days are grayer and my nights are blue
Why didn\\\\\\\'t I realize it? - Why didn\\\\\\\'t I see?

I can still remember every moment I spent with you in my life
I\\\\\\\'ll never forget the times we\\\\\\\'ve shared or the love we had
Sometimes I wish I could rewind back to that one special night...
When you told me you loved me- I was so glad.

It\\\\\\\'s crazy how something so special can end so fast
If things would of went differently everything would be okay
I never imagined that I would have to remember you from my past
Hopefully in the future we can meet up and have a special day

No one in this world could ever take your place, You\\\\\\\'ll always be in my heart.
Your one in a million- like a beautiful white dove.
Sometimes I still wonder why we had to part
But one thing I no for sure is your my one true love...
__My LoSt LoVe__


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