My Family

by Anna   Mar 21, 2006

I don't like my family
all they do is lie
when I pass by
they don't even say hi anymore

My mother
is always at work
I barely get to see her
except when she lurks the house at night

My father is always on the computer
unless he is sleeping
thats when I get on
while I'm also keeping track of my sister

My sister hates me
I don't know why
she is always getting into trouble
and always lying

If my mother is home
she is yelling her lungs out
for no apparent reason
other than someone at work made her pout

My father is selfish
he would rather have his computer life
and ignore his family
than deal with the strife

I bet you didn't know
but my father has cancer
he was told he had 15 years
it now has be 20

and my mother might
have cancer too
breast cancer
they think they found a tumor

I'm getting tired of this
all everyone does is fight
I cryed for 2 hours straight today
and I feel like no one cares until I see why

Something must be wrong
I must have done something terrible
but I don't know what

I try to do everything right
but no matter what
it always comes out wrong
and I feel like I suck at everything

I hate going through this
no one seems to care
and all I do is cry
I used to only rarely cry

I wish I could escape from everything
and just spend the day with someone
that really cares about me
and who would gladly take me away from this.


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  • 18 years ago

    by SingleWing

    Wow. i hope you mum n dad r ok. talk to them bout it. write a letter, that way they cant interrupt you. gd luck...whats the worst that can happen?