Hate him(Dad)

by Andrea broken tears   Mar 21, 2006

She cries
tears fall from her eyes.
She's as strong as a tree
and that girl is me.
Hates her dad
he makes her so mad .
Treats her like she's not there
its like shes air.

*I wrote this in school..the day after my dad once again made me feel like crap*


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  • 12 years ago

    by Girl of Conviction

    I can relate my dad gets me so mad all the time :/ great little poem :]

  • 18 years ago

    by Fredy

    You know, my dad cheated on my mom and hit her almost daily but somehow i can't get myself to hate him. great poem by the way

  • 18 years ago

    by Blanca Yuri Hernandez

    Hey you know what dads suck I used to live with my dad and he really messed up my life. But I do wish I had a real dad because the one that is doesnt deserve to be alive.

  • 18 years ago

    by dyingbrokenangel

    Awwwwww hun i know how u feel.. i love ya

  • 18 years ago

    by Jin

    We have something in common we hate our dads, but at least your dad is there . Nice poem. =)

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