I'm For You

by CiNDY iS BAkk   Mar 22, 2006

All my life Ive never felt like this for someone
You see youre not like any other guy
You say Im the one
The one that you wont leave behind

There is no need to look further cause everything you want is here
And I dont mind giving wat you want just as long as you stay near

Cant you see I got a thing for you
I really like the way you do the things you do
I feel so weak, you knock me off my feet
And Its good to know you love me just for me
Ill be here all the time, Ill never let you go
Youre always on my mind, thought Ill let you know

When It comes to things I like
You know just how to satisfy me
You pick me up when Im down, you put my feet on solid ground
and you make me your first priority

I just know I'm the one for you
Theres no need to deny, you know it too
No one is gonna love you like I do
My love for you is unconditional, theres no cut off time
No matter wat happens or who youre with your still mine
Now who is gonna treat you, how I treat you right
Always being there, making sure everything is alright

I just love you so much that words cant explain
But the love that I have for you is love you cant complain
I just know you wont regret being with me
Because with me, you wont go through any misery


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  • 19 years ago

    by Alex Lopez

    Thanks for commentin on my poem. I definitely like this poem u wrote. I kinda feel the same way right now so it was awesome for you to put it into words that really identified wih me. 5/5 for you of course.

  • 19 years ago

    by Princess Love

    Such a sweet and deep poem. Great job. Keep it up.