Alone in company

by skye   Mar 22, 2006

Why is it i always feel alone
although I'm always surrounded
why do i feel so ugly
yet receive so many compliments

why do i always want
what i know i can never have
why when i can have it
do i find some little flaw

i seem to lose all confidence
just when i need it the most
a shy girl, so placid
is all people can see

so around me, one by one
my friends get picked
and I'm always left
standing alone so cold

any self confidence i was held strong
has vanished, disappeared
lost in a crowd of love

as i stand the size of an ant
in a crowd of couples
i hang my head low
and accept that I'm different


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  • 18 years ago

    by tara

    Theres always a stage where everyone thinks that your not the only one!
    but you are the only one who was able to express it best!