No matter what I find
myself running into your
arms. I have always
knew that you were
going to become very
special to me. And now I
sit here with my head in
my hands. And I start to
think of the very first day
we met. You and I became
so close. And now its like
I have nightmares of
losing you. I never thought
I was going to feel this
way again. But you are
something different. You
make me happy. And when
you are mad, i am sad. I don't
want to see you go through
what you shouldn't be going
through. And I always want
you to know I am here for you.
Somebody already
broke my heart and I
don't need
it from you. I want us to grow
through thick and thin. You
always find your ways to bring
out the best of me. Forget
the saying, You are the rarest
fish in the sea. And I want it to
be you and me growing old for