One last breath

by xxx-LOVE(2hate)LIFE! S?   Mar 23, 2006

Who have i become
what have i really done

i remember the days sitting upon your lap
you were my daddy
i will never forget

i used to be your little princess and no other girl could be

but then i guess i grew up
and now take a look at me

see the cuts upon my wrist
feel the pain within my heart

i wish i could go back and just put down blade
i thought just one cut would take it all away
but boy i was wrong because
cause one wasn't enough
i just couldn't stop
i had to see more

so now the blade is keeping me here a for little while longer
till i let go of this fear and..........
build up the courage to go for a walk

a walk that will soon turn into death
so this is my last one deep breath


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