
by chipman007   Mar 23, 2006

Die at first sight
No love is with her tonight
She's taking the long road
She's never going back home
Ran all night
Into the dangerously
Darkeness covered
Streets, city lamps
Lighting her way
She says she's not a champ
Going on pure instinct
She looks at the nearest
Park to find a place
To sleep
Dreams of dreams
To come
Shes dreams of
All the fun
That she ran away from
Wakes up
Finds out she needs more
Goes to the nearest store
Buy a few goodies
But not enough
To cover up
Her moodies
She's Home sick
So shes picks
Up you things
And moves on the
Next street
Walks up to the front door
Rings the bell
The one she see's
Is the one that
Adores her the most
This persons got the smell of toast
All over her blouse
She's so glad she came back
To the house
Lets her in
And said
"Did you learn you lesson?"


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