We were friends for a short time, you were awesome and kind
But after the days we spent together your attitude changed just like the weather.
I let you meet all of my friends they were all nice to you until our friendship ended.
You didnâ??t respect me, you never cared, when friends are friends there always there.
You always talked to my man, you never really understood, how much you hurt me,
Inside I new you would. You always were happy , but time has changed you never told me how much you had pain, you could of went to me, cause my heart hurts to, you never new when I felt blue. Iâ??m sorry Iâ??ve treated you like so much sh$$, but lifeâ??s a b$$$ , â??get over itâ??, move on with your life and forget the past, pain is something that will not last.
People just hurt me, they say they cared, but now life is different and I donâ??t want to be there, I have no feelings I really donâ??t mind, talk behind my back, Iâ??m not just the one whoâ??s unkind, you blame everything on me, you never see your faults, you want everyone to like you, but I no who you are. You think Iâ??m a druggy and you say sex is wrong, my life has been f$$$ed up and I no what I did wrong. Thereâ??s a lot of people who have sinned and I was one of them, so F``` him.
I no your different then everyone else, but why do you have to go to someone else, we have the problem , vent on me. Please donâ??t be scared of me. I no I have anger and I hate everything but I will never hurt you cause you were once my friend.
Sorry we donâ??t talk anymore I cant deal with you, you make my days always turn blue. I tried to have fun with you, but your always lazy , your life is slowly fading.