Cuts and Tears?

by SyntheticDarknss   Mar 23, 2006

In the corner of my room,
Every single night
Is where I let out every tear,
And wish everything would be alright

The tears streaming down my face,
Coming down like pouring rain
They hold my secret,
The secret to all my pain

But it's a secret,
So I can't tell a living soul
Because I don't want people to know,
That it was my happiness they stole

I want people to know how I feel,
And try to explain
But they'll all just try to judge me,
So what does telling have to gain

See, telling would be horrible,
It would ruin my life
But if they just looked at my arm
They'd know about the cuts I make with my knife

The cuts show my pain,
Show my fears
They show everything,
I can't show in tears

My heart though tells the most,
It tells my reasons
But every cut I make,
It is my heart that weakens

I want to clear my cheeks,
Of every single tear
And I want to clear my body,
Of every cut and scar that appears

But it is not going to happen
Not to me
Not for my teenage years,Because pain is what I'm supposed to feel,
And happy isn't what I am supposed to be

So i'll continue the cuts
With my knife
And continue my tears,
And continue my wish to end my life


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  • 18 years ago

    by simply crissyboo

    Wow. this is my life in 10 stansas (sp?) incredible poem, just like the other's i've read by you, it blew me away.
    the one thing i didn't like, was

    "My heart though tells the most,
    It tells my reasons
    But every cut I make,
    It is my heart that weakens"

    i just, for some reason think it sounds like its missing something, like the first line doesn't sound like it should be the first line in a stansa. its probably just me though.
    but like i said, its totally my bio.
    great work. xo~Crissy

  • 18 years ago

    by Semmie

    It was well written, it reminds me of my boyfriend =)

  • 18 years ago

    by Hannah Tiernan

    That was really good.... that described every emotion and every thought i have in my mind 24/7 that was awesome plz keep writing and checkj out some of my poems it would mean alot
    Hannah xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by jess

    Hey! great poem, 5/5
    love jess xXxXxxXxX

  • 18 years ago


    I no how you feel i also have scars upon my arm up and down left and rite back and front im ashamed of mine but u cant go back