Somtimes I Wonder...

by Thomas   Mar 25, 2006

Sometimes I wonder how life will be, if I will make it or will I not be. I wonder my life span or will this be the end or maybe my mothers my fathers the same. Sometimes I think that life is a faze but then I am told just stand and be glad. I wonder â??bout life or why I was made they say thereâ??s a reason then they just donâ??t say. Sometimes in life I wonder why roses are red or sugar is white why apples called apples and not just â??that thanthen When I rest my souls little eyes I see to the future but why not he past. All of my teachers tell me do well and when I follow what will I be told. Wonders of Life Freedom Of love, passion, Devotion they all are the same but when the one person will came and save me. I think about that everyday who will it be and will they be mine. I think of my kids â??cause they are to be, What will I name is it from me. My mother and father my siblings as well are they supportive or are they insane. They do not hurt me inside or out nor do they abuse me but will that remain. Sometimes I wonder how cultures got lost black white or Rican we all look the same. I wonder what my future has will it be good or just plan insane. Because Iâ??m not physic I will never know until the day I make it my place. This worldâ??s not my home Iâ??m just here for now until Iâ??m with Jesus then thatâ??s when Iâ??m home.


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