In the end my smile continues

by Hannah   Mar 25, 2006

She ran the blade down her wrist. she started to cry for all her pain. her dad hits her, her mom hates her. she trys to be perfect in this situation. but it all falls apart in one big laugh. she crys for her self in this. she never understood..why this all happened like this. life is life her friends would say. laugh even though that smile is in pain. dont try to be what they want. be Ur self and in the end it will all work out. she dropped the blade on the floor. crying just at the look at it. she ran into her room. she started looking into the mirror. she looked at her self and said smile..even though the pain hurts. smile for what never could\'ve been done in Ur life. pretend everything is okay..laugh at the blood spilling anyways. its better then crying. so do it now..before you notice your dieing. she smiled one more last time. wrote her death note while she was drinking her moms bottle of whine.the blood spilling on to the note. she smiled for everyone..took the photo and dropped it on the floor. wrote on the back of it..i smiled for you in the end.


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  • 18 years ago

    by mely

    I like u're poem a lot it should really have more votes