That was pretty funny I made a new one today thats called B.I.B.L.E you should check it out well Peace |
by Raychel
Dont rub it in that i get fat...thats mean...lmao...but i AM fat and ugly so peh...grrt poem... |
Man its just real life |
by SilentDreams
I liked this poem...i'm not sure i would agree with girls being able to eat anything and not grow weight though!! |
by xmauix
Good poem dude |
by Christina
Hey im one of those girls who can eat anything and not gain a pound. and actually many people think im anorexic. |
by ashley
Nice but not funny |
Some girls that are under wieght are trying to gain weight, but not everyone can do it. it all depends on the body. |
by Hayley Rasmussen
Uipouipuipuipuipuipuipuiopuiopuipouiopuopiupoiuiopupoiuopiupoiupoiupoiupoupoupoiupoipioupioupoiupoiupoiupioupiupoiupoiupoiupiupioupoiupioupioupoiupoiupoiupioupioupoiupoiupoiupioupoiupoiupioupoiupioupioupioupioupioupioupoiupoiupoiupioupioupoiupoiupoiupoiupoiupouipoiupoiupoiupoiupoiupioupiupoiupoiupoiupoiupoiupoiupiupoiupoiupoiupoiupoiupioupioupoupoiupioupioupoiupioupoiupiouiuipoupoiuipuoiuoppoiupoiuopiupoiupoiupoiuopiupoiupoiupioupoiuioupoupiouioupoiu |
Another good poem dear..but id have to agree with the other girls on here..i personally cant eat whatever i want and its very hard to stay the size i am..but on the other hand i do know alot of girls who can eat whatever and not gain a pound..but we are all different....Love always Joclyn |
Ha ha ha I wish...I dont agree...I have noticed that what girls eat efects their bodies a lot more then when guys eat...I feel girls put on weight easier then guys do...but i wish I was one of those girls who can eat what they want and not put on weight. |
Ha ha ha I wish...I dont agree...I have noticed that what girls eat efects their bodies a lot more then when guys eat...I feel girls put on weight easier then guys do...but i wish I was one of those girls who can eat what they want and not put on weight. |
Haha...dat's a gud one...although it's not at all funny...made a gud point... |