To Jason Robert Suptic

by Beverly Chapman   Jan 26, 2004

How much do you love me
How far will you go
Will you build a bridge across the distance
Let your feelings for me show
How long must I wait
And what must I do
Before you are the one
That I can look forward to
When will you come to see me
When will I get to know
While the sun is shining bright
Or while the fields are full of snow
I already know you love me
But you are far away
When will you come back
Hold me, and say you'll stay
In your arms I was safe
I could never come to harm
You could always make me smile
With your child like charm
You were always there for me
And in some ways are there still
But somehow I must be with you
Someway, somehow I will


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jason Suptic

    Beverly I don't know if you ever check this sight any more but I still love and miss you.

    MS3/SS Jason Suptic in Overland Park KS