Love Differs

by mer   Mar 28, 2006

He put his arms around me,
But you never let me go

He made me feel wanted,
But you told me that I was

He told me me i was pretty,
But you made it known that i was beautiful

He talked to me through the night,
But with you i didnt have to talk at all, because you knew me so well

Me and him had to get to know one another,
But you and me automatically were the same mind.

He freaked out when i was troubled,
But you clung to me when i was dismayed

I knew him as my boyfriend,
But i knew you in more than one way

He made me glad to be alive
But you gave me the reason to live.

He loved me,
But i loved you.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jen

    WOW!!!!! i really love this one. i dunno...i can relate to it allot.... well not now but in my past....horrible times :( anyways i love it, your a great writer

  • 18 years ago

    by Harley- Angel Of Despair

    Beautiful, simplely beautiful. I was amazed.

  • 18 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    That's pretty good. Very touching.

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaityln

    Pure awesomeness!!!lol it was excellent