XXxxThe Nothingness Iside of mexxXX

by Kim Slotnick   Mar 28, 2006

I smile to myself as I clench the dagger to my breast,
laughing softly at my vanity
My world crumbling to my feet
Not a depression but a question of my sanity
My laughter grows louder as I think of how worthless everything is
I care for no one including me
I start to numb
And I stop laughing as I realize I am laughing at nothing
Blood pumping so rapidly through my veins
Making a light headed feeling
My breath shallow and crisp
Now that I hold the blade up right, to my flesh
My pale skin tingles with pleasure at the sleek sharpness
I feel nothing... No thoughts through my mind
Love, friendship, anger, sadness... all fade
Realizing nothing matters to me
I sing my self a beautiful but somber melody
Of my life that meant nothing to nobody
The darkness, pain and loneliness inside, are gone for that is what I am. A gentle push
A sharp pain
And I am nothing


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