Turned Around Looking For You

by lankanpride   Mar 28, 2006

I turn around looking for you
I stare and stare
And realized I was being ditched

I didnt no how much it hurt
You come running back making an excuse
I take one last look at you and leave you've realized youve been

You no that Im gone for good
But you dont give up
One thing Ive always desired bout you
Everywhere I go theres a memories its just too hard to forget
Where ever I go I see your face.
I know its to late
But we used to be so tight

Now that youre gone I have to learn bout life
If I was on an edge you always cought me from the bottom
You never left me deserted
Until one day
Everyday I would tell you that I loved you like a friend
One day I told you twice and you said you already knew
I thought you loved me back like a friend
You said it back every day
Until one day

Light and gently still falls the rain
But now its my teardrops falling from pain
The day I left you I hope you realized
I wasnt ever coming back

Im sorry Im not perfect
And this apology i will regret
But for once Im being sincere saying this
Im sorry we ever met


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kelly

    I love your poem.
    I am currently feeling the same way about something happening to me.
    I thought the way you finished the poem just summed up the whole situation "sorry we ever met"
    Loved it.

  • 18 years ago

    by Lenee.Roca

    Aww. i know exactly how you feel. im in the same situation now. i lost my best friend.. it sucks.. but its life.. 5/5