Comments : I'm Gone

  • 18 years ago

    by Just Me

    I'm hoping this isn't true... you have seemed so happy lately and I pray that that is the truth and not just you!

  • 18 years ago

    by dyingbrokenangel

    Plz talk 2 me

  • 18 years ago

    by Robyn

    I hope that is peom is not to to its word
    xoxo robyn

  • 18 years ago

    by alive in death

    An ode to us emo\'s.... everyone thinks it\'s just some way to blurg all your problems out to everyone... but it\'s true, and it\'s life, and if people dont want to hear it, they just want to lie to themselves i guess.... but i dont care about them... i just care that there is truth, and that the world doesnt want to see it, and they only want to live without being bothered... no one wants to hear about our woes.... except us.... and i mean us by the general emo population..... lol, we have a population now....:)
    but i cant mull over pain... i know when you write about suicide it\'s when you have a flashback.... and there\'s nothing worse then remembering your past.... well maybe there is... when you live it i guess..... but everyone needs to make new memories... i\'m not saying run away... i\'m just saying dont get stuck on one way of living... and i\'m happy that you want to keep in touch... it\'s good to have a friend like you who isnt going through the same old stuff like i am... but who has overcomed it instead and can have something to offer.... because when you overcome something like suicide... you have more then the whole world to offer.... you have you to give... and that should be enough for anyone.... i know it\'s more then enough for me.
    so stay talking to me, my new found friend... i look forward to all that you can offer... i look forward to knowing you.... it\'s actually kind of exciting.

    yay.... (says yay in a deppressed way)
    lol... us emo\'s huh?