Silent Tears

by Matt Carroll   Mar 28, 2006

Pace is quickened, heartbeat rises
Chased away by my despises
Blood runs quicker, tears are shown
Too well have I made myself known

Soul is shattered, pains increased
Fueled by those long since deceased
Both hands shake in silent fear
Of being left behind right here

Mind is broken, eyes are cold
And through them twisted stories told
A window into ones own hell
Locked inside this iron cell

Razors sharpened, knifes at hand
I've fallen into a loveless land
No one to ask for help or words
This place is wicked, dark, absurd

Life has failed me, coffins closed
No longer will I just impose
My apologies to those who cared
But now in spirit, I'm always there


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  • 18 years ago

    by Marina

    I love you Matt.... You are not alone... this is EXTREMELY well done Matt... congrats on teh GREAT WRITEING... i love you forever

  • 18 years ago

    by nicole

    Matt, Sarah mean's well, although she say's in the wrong way sometime's, but what she mean's is: We all love you, & it just hurt's that you say your all alone, but maybe that's they way you really feel, even though you'v got ppl around you, maybe you feel like there's no one to honestly turn to?
    I used to feel that way, all of us do on any given day, but don't be to hard on her, just like she shouldn't be so hard on you, it is a two way street, no one way about it, both of you are going to have to give a little, if you ever want to retify this thing.

    but as I said before, all of us love you, it's just that some of us have a harder time expressing it in the way that seem's most palatable to the human eye, ear & consaquently to the heart, but even in that case, those ppl still care, it's hard for them to say,
    sometime's ppl don't know how else to show it, so they react where to anyone but themselve's & a select few, it seem's hatred, or distain, but take care where you judge, & yes I am not excusing the third party here, they need to take care where, & consequently WHY they are laying judgment where it is neither sought nor wanted.

    every one need's space & a way to express, for you it's writing, for sarh it's holding it till she can't anymore then it get's unleashed, with Alyse it's the same way, with karen it's her writting, with me it's ... I don't know how I deal with pain, grief, discomfort &co but Im asuming one of these day's I'll figure it out, just know we're alway'
    s here for you, even the one's who meen that, they just don't express it very well.*

    love you alway's bro*
    I'll ttyl,

    Jesus bless you*

    your faithful lecturer*

  • 18 years ago

    by Sarah

    Once again
    choosing to ignore
    all of us
    and everything we ever gave you

    it was still there and you you shoved it aside

    and now you complain about having nothing left

    you dont even know

  • 18 years ago

    by nicole

    I don't know what to say...
    but if you honestly believe no one care's... your lying to yourself,
    & remember? you don't lie...

    Im alway's here for you, Im at home all the time so there is at least "somebody" to call...
    don't die please? please? PLEASE!?

    Jesus bless you*


    ps. ~God's watching