Why'd you have to go away?

by joyce   Mar 29, 2006

I saw an angel
the angel that differ from the other
love at first sight they call it

i have this special feelings for you
which i hope someday you'll feel the same way too
i have never felt this before

everyday are just not the same
when i can see ur lips smiling
those eyes that sparks
it moves directly to my heart
i want to hold your hand
and keep you close to my heart all the time
i need to have u in my life
i want you always by my side

but it all goes out to nothing
since u have to go away
i have nothing to do
i can't force u to stay
u have to do ur own thing

but you know what?
i can be the one
that nobody else does

when u feel nobody's there
please do remember
i do care...


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