Good-bye, Good-bye

by myshiningstar14   Mar 30, 2006

What the F* is your
problem? You know
what, I don't think
you care and everything
you say brings rain and
pain, and sounds like
S* anyways.

You stand around like
you own this joint,
you make everyone
your slaves, and put
us in our graves.

Everything you've given
me is either broken or
used, well to h* with you,
because I know I deserve

Depleted and bruised
am I, I can't take it
anymore. No more lies,
no more sighs, and no
more tries. Cause its
good-bye, good-bye.

Who do you think you
are, and most of all
who are what are you
trying to prove,
because ain't no one
going anywhere with
you around.

Your negative energy
that tears at their souls,
you make them so
weak and you take
the life from them.

Scared and beaten am
I, I put up with you for
so long. And the mocking
bird will cry, but now the
mocking bird ain't got
no song left to sing, and
so I've slit his throat and
left him to die. Good-bye,
good-bye to you!

**ok so this is a sad poem, thats not true but this is how some people make me heres a sad poem...enjoy!Lissa**


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    I already read goodbye goodbye...

    but here is another comment

  • 18 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    If its a sad should have put it in the sad category
    This poem was great
    and it showed much power and affection
    and if people make you feel the way
    Ignore em and move on
    Lifes to Short for such nonesence
    Great job

  • 18 years ago

    by Tripp

    Haha may sound a little sadistic enjoying a sad poem...but i enjoyed reading this. good poem...its really too bad that people make you feel like this