I Breath the light of a
thousand stars shining.
My skin absorbs the shine of a
hundred suns crying.
But my heart lives for only one,
in those eyes i am drowning.
I felt the wind
blowing through my hair,
but at the end of the day
i was still scared.
I looked into your eyes,
i saw into your heart.
I knew what you were thinking,
i knew what you were feeling,
i could see what you were dreaming.
But those dreams
never came alive.
You were trying so hard,
you barely survived.
All those feelings trapped inside,
the tears you never cried.
The fear, the pain
the despair, the shame!
I missed the last sunset with you.
You thought i wasn't there,
you thought i didn't care.
But i was there all along,
i sang to you my last song.