Comments : Her Picture

  • 18 years ago

    by Hannah

    That is really good... Keep on writting the poems you are really good

  • 18 years ago

    by Sole

    Brilliantly written - very sad.

    Cause the girl I see
    Will always have a blank stare
    I know...Cause the girl is me

    I think that 'Cause' should be turned to 'Because' - It's a little more formal and 'cause' ruins the formality, depth and sadness of the poem. Other than that - it was a great poem, really made me think, and see through your eyes a little.

    Peace. [Sole]

  • 18 years ago

    by lost_laureate

    What and ending!!

    "Will always have a blank stare
    I know...Because the girl is me"

    This issue is always something that deeply saddens me and your pain was so evident here; changing the voice in this poem had a powerful effect....great!

    [lostlaureate - come find me]

  • 18 years ago

    by Bridgette

    Aw... i hope that you are ok.. & i really hope this isn't true, but it probably is. I'm really sorry. Some people are just really cruel in this world but you really shouldn't turn to self harm...maybe talk to somebody? I know you must be growing through alot. I hope you feel better. Stay Strong!!

  • 18 years ago

    by alana

    Im sorry ta hear what heppend to you if this is true
    honstly ive been there to! he didnt get a chance ta rape me cuz i faught him off
    but i hope things are getting better for you n you have put the blade way
    life will get better if you look ta the brighter side of things
    good luck
    much love
    always alana

  • 18 years ago

    by pseudo

    Wow. What an amazing piece I apologize for not getting to your request sooner but I knida broke my computer literally and I've been trying to find this thread and just found it I wanted to you to know that I didn't forget! k back to the poem this is such an emotional poem it refelcts the pain the aftermath of rape and abuse... Great flow and rhythm.. Very sad poem but brilliant! Awesome job =)


  • 18 years ago

    by j

    Id just like to say that it was a very meaning ful poem that i think alot of us can relate too...i hope everything gets better for u....

  • 18 years ago

    by Fern

    Oh, I know exactly how you feel.I was raped two years ago by my best friend.And ignore it when people say "I hope you can forget it"Because you can't it is impossible to forget something that painful.Even after two years I can't sleep well.And even worse I don't believe in Abortions,but my mother forced me to get one,to me its like murdering.I hope in time you can accept whats happened and live a happy life.My words probably wont help much but It is worth a try.


  • 18 years ago

    by ღHazel_Kittenღ


  • 18 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I have already commented this one, a while ago, but reading it again, made me see it was perfect. i loved it this time more than i did then

  • 18 years ago

    by Arcane Blondie

    This poem brought me to tears...beautifully written--

    Stay Strong and much love to you-