Missing you

by Tammi   Mar 31, 2006


I sit alone thinking of you
starting to feel blue
all day and night I miss you.

What can I say you stole my heart away?
When my eyes saw you that day
I looked into your eyes my heart was Blown away.

I have loved you from the very start
I love you from deep in my heart
I will always hold love for you in my heart.

Honey I am sorry we had to part
Guess you did not want my heart
That is not how you acted from the Start.

From the start you told me you loved me
I told you I loved you more then you could ever love me
That was the truth I still love you
you no longer love me.

It hurts me to think of all I gave
Yes you gave me love too
Guess my love was not enough to keep me close to you.

So good-bye my friend I have to let you go
Please know that now matter where I may go
I will carry my love for you till God calls me home

"Erica I will love you forever"


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  • 17 years ago

    by Brandy

    This is such a beautiful poem...I know how u feel...its hard and don't know why when u gave all ur love and they just leave...so I can relate...enjoy reading ur poems I hope to read more soon...

  • 17 years ago

    by anett

    I love reading this poem because it reminds me so much of how i feel right now. Thanks for the inspiration, nd for the comment! :]
    take care

  • 17 years ago

    by regina

    I'm really feelin this one tammi!

  • 18 years ago

    by Tormented

    LOving your work HUN!
    Great poem and excellent piece of work!
    Take care

  • 18 years ago

    by MadelineJayde

    What a beautiful p0em! i kn0w what its like t0 l0se s0me0ne y0u l0ve, it tears y0u up inside. i have l0st many pe0ple, m0stly fr0m death th0ugh. earlier this year i l0st 6 0f my cl0se friends which just t0re my up inside. i wr0te a c0uple 0f p0ems ab0ut it, my fav0urite is Forever y0ung ;x if y0u want t0 check it 0ut.
    i l0ve all 0f y0ur p0ems, y0u have al0t 0f talent and i feel f0r y0ur l0ss. keep up the great writing!
    l0ve maddy x0ox